Friday Fix #21 - Meet Lindsi!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Friday Fix is a takeover of my Friday blog post by other bloggers who have volunteered their time and energy to "star" in their very own guest post on Friday. Only one mandatory rule (you can't get out of it!) - you must answer five of the most random questions I throw your way. The rest is up to you. Remember, if you'd like to be featured on the Friday Fix, send me an email, and let me know! So, without further ado, here is Lindsi from Reading Under the Stars!

The Most Random Questions in the World...

1. Why does your nose run, but your feet smell?

Well... the nose was tired of smelling itself so it traded abilities with feet. Now when feet smells, nose has the option to run. Haha it was the best I could come up with!

2. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

If Barbie doesn't have friends, then how can she be popular? I wasn't a big Barbie fan as a child. I was more into LEGO's and letting the dog have my Barbies.

3. Is there a synonym for synonym?

I would assume things like alike, similar, and same, but when I tried to look it up I found nothing. Fail.

4. If you have 24 odds and ends on a table and 23 fall off, what's odd, or an end?

Whatever you want to be left since they are your odds and ends to begin with. Personally, I would go with an odd.

5. What was the best thing before sliced bread?

I was at dinner (in a nice restaurant) with my family and I asked this question so I could gauge their responses... well my grandmother yells out "SEX!" without thinking it through. I've never had so many eyes on me before and I am pretty sure my cheeks were a nice shade of pink.


Lindsi, thank you so much for dropping by my blog to answer such silly questions! Please take the time to check out Reading Under the Stars because her blog is so much fun, and so is she! Remember, if you are interested in being featured - my email is on my contact page (if you couldn't figure that out)...please feel free to send a message my way!


  1. oh my goodness, too funny. There just isn't enough grandma's yelling "sex" out in public anymore!

  2. I honestly have no idea how you come up with this stuff! I'd like to live in your head for an hour and just see what it's like to have all that creative randomness bouncing around:) Hilarious.

  3. This was so much fun =) Thank you for having me and causing a dinner I am not likely to forget!

  4. This was a very neat post! I enjoyed #5 as well!

  5. Lol, well that last story rocked

  6. Ha, I laughed out loud once again. Especially at question 5. :) I really do love this feature of yours.

  7. Kudos for the Sex being better then sliced bread. I do believe that would be my answer any day of the week.

    Mad Scientist
    Laboratory found @

  8. Melissa, I love your Friday's, they always make ma laugh!

    Lindsi, that last one in the restaurant was so funny I was laughing out loud which caused everyone currently around me to stare at me.


    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  9. OMG! The answer to #5 is hilarious =)

  10. I LOVE reading these!! They always give a good laugh and smile!

    I want to know what you said to your grandma after that outburst :)


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