Top Ten Tuesday {18}

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over at The Broke and the Bookish. They'd love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week they will post a new top ten list that one of our bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
Top Ten Books I Read Because Of Another Blogger:

1. Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar - If I could name all those who gave rave reviews of it right now, I would, but there are too dang many. This one was one of my first forays into the realm of contemporary fiction, and it was one hell of a success.

2. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - I hate vampires. It's not a secret. That said, I kept seeing glowing reviews, and I finally caved. Then I made others read it. Thank you for being the one series YA vamps that keeps me riveted!

3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - I resisted this for a good bit because of the hype, but finally gave in, and I'm so glad I did. This is up there with my favourite series of all times, even if Mockingjay wasn't loved by all.

4. Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer - This was an epic start to a dystopian series. While I didn't love all three books, this one is for sure one of those books that was raved about until I read it and loved it for myself.

5. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan - I remember thinking this was too young for me (I know - says the girl who reads YA in her mid-twenties), and swearing it would never be on my radar...then I read it, and I read the entire series in a matter of days. Totally worth it!

6. Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler - Contemps are a hit or miss for me, and the title put me off this one for a while, but I kept seeing great reviews that finally convinced me to give it a try. Was it a difficult read for content? Sure, but it was powerful and true.

7. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - I never liked the covers. Sorry kids, but they deterred me for a long time. When I finally caved into the hype from a certain blogger, I thanked her endlessly because this is a series that I've had to buy multiple copies of because they're worn out now.

8. Blood Red Road by Moira Young - I had an ARC of this one, but I was scared of the dialect in which it was said to be written. Two five-star reviews from trusted bloggy friends convinced me to give it a go though, and it got a five-star review from me, as well.

9. Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson - This is another one of those surprising contemporary reads that is raved about by pretty much every blogger I follow. I put it off as long as possible, but finally read it and loved it as much, if not more than them.

10. The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson - Something about this cover always deterred me because I thought it would be too sci-fi for my taste. I didn't think there would be enough humanity in the book. I was wrong. This book is perfection.


  1. Ooh, yes the Hunger Games, DEFINITELY! Also, Amy & Roger's is a really good one. Fantastic list. :)

    My Top Ten :)

  2. So many of the books I have read in the past two years have been recommended by the fantastic reviews I read by the bloggers I visit daily including you. Thanks for being one of my go to people for honest trustworthy and well-written reviews. I am glad you are a part of this amazing community!

  3. What a great list! I read The Hunger Games because of many bloggers. It was my first dystopia and since then I have been addicted :)

  4. Great list. I put off reading Hunger Games because of the hype too, but they are amazing. I haven't read the Mortal Instruments series yet, probably because of the covers. This was an interesting list. Happy Reading!

  5. Oh yes Hunger Games. That's true for me too :)

  6. Great list! And isn't that the great thing about this crazy community?

    My top picks for blogger recommendations this year are The Hunger Games, Divergent, Entwined, and The Strange Case of Finley Jayne. But my favorite books to recommend are Waterfall, Cascade, & Torrent by Lisa T. Bergren, The Hunger Games, and Divergent. (not 10 either time, but... gotta run!)

  7. Love this list! I loved Blood Red Road! Dynamic!

  8. I'm so glad Linds organized the initial tour for Raw Blue, I never would have read that one otherwise and I would have been missing out bigtime. Same with you and The Long Weekend. LOVED that one:) So glad you enjoyed The Mortal Instruments and VA, those are 2 of my favorites:)

  9. I saw a bunch of low-starred reviews for Blood Red Road, but decided to give it a chance anyway, and I loved it! So it was a little different for me!

    Anyway, awesome list, Melissa!

  10. I really like this weeks Top Ten, I know there are more books then I could possibly name that are recommended by book bloggers that I wouldn't have read otherwise. Great list of books!

  11. You've got some great books on this list, Melissa! I was so hesitant in reading VA when it first came out. I made the mistake and read "House of Night" books instead and was so angry that I didn't want anything to do with vampire schools for a very long time. Now, reading great reviews from trusted friends and bloggers, I've decided to take the plunge. Hope to have them read before the year ends!

  12. OOh I think I have either read or have in my tbr pile all but 2 of those books!

  13. I just received Raw Blue to read from another blogger. I have been dying to read this one. So excited so I totally agree with this choice.

  14. Raw Blue! Yes! I need that one. Oh and I'm glad I never saw any reviews about the language on Blood Red Road, however, I so agree with the 5 stars!

  15. I just found out that they have translated the Moira Young book, well one chance to get it then perhaps :)

  16. I so agree about The Adoration of Jenna Fox, loved this book. I've just got sequel, The Fox Inheritance, and can't wait to get to it on my TBR list.

    Like the picture you have for Top Ten Tuesday, didn't see it on The Broke and The Bookish, did you design it?

  17. Know exactly how you feel about the Percy Jackson series. I saw it being praised on an author's blog, and thought it would be too young for me as well. But then I started reading it and it was awesome! And I bought Amy & Roger, but haven't read it yet :P.

  18. I held off on reading Vampire Academy for a VERY long time because of the title. I know it sounds like a really stupid reason, but I was like, For real??!! A school that teaches how to be a vampire? But then a friend of mine on GR told me I should read it and I finally picked it up and OH EM GEE! It's now one of my all time favorite series. I don't know if I can ever love a female protag like I love Rose. And still my beating heart. *big sigh*

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  19. Heather-

    I definitely wouldn't have read Raw Blue without Linds loaning me her copy. I'm so glad that I did and want a copy of my own now. But really, I got into blogging looking for recommends so that's why I read a lot of what I read. You recommend a lot that I would have never read.


  20. I picked up the VA series because of other bloggers too - and to think I was missing out on the amazingness of VA during all the years the early books were already out ;)

    I actually picked up a copy of The Adoration of Jenna Fox because of a review I read of yours. And it was such a pleasant surprise!

    Fabulous Top Ten! :)

  21. Hunger Games and Lightning Thief are amazing! However, I didn't like Life As We Knew It much at all. I have to read Twenty Boy Summer- I've heard good things about it!


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