Top Ten Tuesday {20} & A Chance to Be in a Book Trailer

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over at The Broke and the Bookish. They'd love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week they will post a new top ten list that one of our bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
Top Ten Books I Want to Reread:

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - I've reread this series so many times, but I find it very difficult to reread the final installment. It's the end of an era, and it breaks my heart every single time.

2. In My Father's House - I have a bit of a thing for historical fiction, particularly in the period of the Civil War in the deep south. This book is a great coming of age story, and I've had to buy it a few times to continue rereading it.

3. Fahrenheit 451 - I only read it once for school, but it was one of the few books I didn't mind having to read. Usually that's a deterrent for me, but this one was phenomenal. I still remember loving I just need to read it again.

4. Lord of the Flies - I also read this once for school, and I was shocked by bits of it, probably because of my age and naivete. That said, I really want to read it now because I think I'll finally be able to appreciate it more.

5. On the Banks of the Bayou - Ok, colour me crazy, but I was obsessed with the Laura Ingalls and Rose Wilder books when I was younger. In fact, I own all of them. This one though, in particular, I'd love to reread because it's a huge part of Rose's transition to adulthood.

6. Leaving Paradise - The sequel left a sour taste in my mouth, unfortunately, and I'd love to go back and read this one to remember why I loved Maggie and Caleb's story so much. I think that would make me feel a little less unfulfilled.

7. The Long Weekend - I loved this one so much that I organized a tour for it. It's a fantastic, bone-chilling read that I've yet to have the time to reread. It definitely deserves it though because it is that good.

8. Vampire Academy - So sue me...I haven't finished the series yet. I'm so scared to finish yet another series I love! I think it kills a little piece of my soul every single time. That said, maybe I should just go back and start from the beginning again...thoughts?

9. Will Grayson, Will Grayson - There are few books like this out there. It exudes compassion, and fun, and reality and love. Plus, it has Tiny Cooper...and Tiny Cooper OWNS this book.

10. Raw Blue - Contemporary fiction isn't my thing, but this book is. I sent my copy merrily on its way, and I've been dying for a copy of my own ever since. This one deserves a place of honour on my shelf.


Do you love book trailers? Have you ever wanted to be featured in one? Now might just be your chance. The awesome Daniel Cohen, author of The Ancillary's Mark and upcoming Masters of the Veil is offering a unique opportunity for bookish fans to be in the trailer for Masters of the Veil. In short, all you have to do is submit a short video (or ten if you're really stoked) displaying a whole lot of school spirit and act as though you're outraged that your team just blew it in the championship game. It can be a one-liner, a face or heck, even a whole monologue. It's up to you! Click HERE for full details on how to enter your video!

Everyone who submits a clip will get a signed Masters of the Veil rack card, and if your video is selected, you'll receive a signed ARC, too! How cool is that?! Spencer Hill Press is always coming up with great ideas for the bookish community, and I'm so excited to see the finished product of this one!


  1. I have Will Grayson, Will Grayson and really need to read it soon! And I've been wanting Raw Blue since I saw your review of it.
    There are a few on your list I would like to reread as well. I'm curious about Lord of the Flies. I read it in 6th grade, I think I'd think of it a bit different the second time through. Great list!

  2. Yep, I agree with most of these! There's something special about reading a great book for the first time. :) I still think re-reading is excellent for rediscovery, though. Great list, Melissa! :)

  3. I want to re-read Vampire Academy too. I have finished the series. I started it in late 2008. I'd love to read all the books together now that they're all out. It's always more fun that way.

  4. Definitely would love to take a couple of week and just immerse myself in Harry Potter. I read them as the were published and I think you miss out not reading the back to back. I also recently reread Lord of the Flies and enjoyed it even more the second time around.

  5. Ah, I haven't reread the final HP book yet....just the first few. I definitely need to though!

  6. Lord of the Flies. You're soooo right. It's been too long.

  7. I completely agree about Return to Paradise being yuck. I'd like to re-read Leaving Paradise & pretend that story ends with that book :-)

  8. Nice selection. I could see myself re-reading 3 and 4.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Here's Mine:
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  9. I feel the same way about Leaving Paradise. I could read it over and over again cause I was not satisfied with it yet I wanted more!

  10. Ooooh I loved Fahrenheit!!! Nice choice!!! Bradbury is amazing.

  11. Oh wow, I had forgotten about In My Father's House! I loved Ann Rinaldi so much when I was in middle school.

  12. Oooo Farenheit 451, good choice Melissa! I haven't read that since high school but I remember it being one of the required reading books that I absolutely fell in love with. The Long Weekend is another great one, I have to be in the mood for it though, prepare myself even though I know what happens:)

  13. I have to admit that the last HP book was my least fave. I just didn't like the way some of it was ended. Just didn't buy it. But that is just me. I so want to read Raw Blue. Oh I think it is at the top of my wishlist!

  14. I haven't finished the Vampire Academy series, either. I hadn't thought about rereading it yet. Well, maybe the Adrian and Dimitri parts...

  15. Re-reading, aww good times, these days that is a thing of the past

  16. Fantastic list. Lord of the Flies and Fahrenheit 451 I totally agree with. I last read them in high school, and feel like they deserve to be read again.

  17. First of all, not only do you have an awesome list, I'm SO happy that I'm not the only one who doesn't want to re-read Deathly Hallows. It breaks my heart too and I've always thought I was the only one to feel like that!


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