Let's Talk: Book Blogging Goals

Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's Talk is a new weekly feature here at i swim for oceans. I think it's important that we all have our say, and there's something to be said for raising our voices. Simply put, here on the little old blog, I like to host some of my very own discussion posts because, well, I like to converse with you all.

And so, Let's Talk will feature questions or prompts, which I will answer, too. Love it or hate it, weigh in or don't, it's my hope that Let's Talk will at least get you thinking...and maybe even get you discussing with the rest of us!
Question: What are your top book blogging goals?

This is a question I pose to myself a lot, actually. I've been at this for two and a half years now. I know. Crazy, right? It started as a hobby, but I began to take pride in it, and I began to really enjoy what I was writing. Yes, it's still a hobby, but I put more effort in it now, and I really want to make something of myself as a blogger. What exactly that is...don't ask me. I'm still working on it. Regardless, I set goals for myself each year (sometimes each month), and posting them online helps me with accountability, and plus it really helps build familiarity with those bloggers I follow and admire, as well. So, without further ado...my blogging goals:

1. Transition my blog from Blogger to Wordpress. I've been grappling with this one for a long time. I think I've wanted to do it since late 2010 but, frankly, I'm too dang scared. I know that Wordpress is far superior in terms of SEO. I also know that there's something to be said for owning my own material, rather than having that constant lurking fear that Google actually owns me. So, this one will happen. Courage, self!

2. Comment more. This one stings a little bit. I was SO good at commenting last year. I really was. Then, a lot of personal stuff happened, I got a new job, I moved and everything was thrown up in the air. I still blogged, but I found myself extremely burned out. Now I'm just trying to find that balance again and really interact more again. It will happen. Soon.

3. Do more author interviews. This one is a complete and utter failure on my behalf. It's not that I don't want to do interviews, it's that I hate having repetitive questions and when I don't, I feel like my questions are too lofty and pretentious. This one is sheer lunacy on my part, and I really need to get better at it, especially because I love all the authors out there!

4. Be a better mentor. I've been in this game a while now, kiddos. I know the ropes fairly well, though I'll admit things are constantly changing. I think it's important to help the novice bloggers that really want to succeed though. There is a right and wrong way of doing things, and we've all seen what can happen if one falls into the wrong category here. The point is that I just want to lend what little expertise I have and share that wealth.

5. Build on this discussion feature. It took me a long time to actually decide to make Let's Talk a feature. I did a few posts at random every now and again, but it wasn't anything because I was too worried it would fail. I think I need to own my ideas and just back them with confidence.

6. Be confident. Regardless of the successes I've head here on le blog, I lack confidence a lot of the time. Jenny can vouch for that, as I usually pour my endless woes to her via text, twitter, email...and just about every other medium possible. I want to be in a place where I know I'm being the best I can be, really hone my skills and just go with my gut because, let's be honest, that's what makes us all unique.

I could probably list a dozen or so more, but the bottom line is that I need to own what I have here at my blog. And when I say I need to own it, I mean I need to OWN it and be proud. Same goes for all of you. Take pride in what you do, and above all else - have fun!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I am torn on the Wordpress/Blogger thing. I'm curious about how much a difference it will make for the SEO part. I hate losing my GFC widget. It's stupid to be so in love with my numbers but I am. And I worry about losing readers in the switch.

    I need to think more seriously about it. Right now I feel like Blogger is serving me well, but I would like to start making a little money on my blog. I'm wondering if the extra SEO would make Wordpress worthwhile.

  2. Awesome goals.
    Regarding WP, while it sounds good I'm pretty comfy with Blogger.

  3. This is an awesome post and you have great goals!! it makes me think about mine... 

    Moving to WP - YES my friend, this is a great goal and I know I never regretted moving the Bookworms. But, you will loose some of your Followers, but you those that clearly read your blog will stay! So, go for it!!! I lost around 1800 Followers through the GFC dissapearence but funny enough my blog is rocking much better now than before. So, it was not a real loss! 

    I know that commenting takes a lot of time and I try to comment as often as I can, but sometimes the day is just too short!! 

    I love this idea about the mentor thingy! 

    Happy Friday! 

  4. Some great goals! I know a bunch of people who transitioned to WP but I'm too chicken. I like seeing that GFC counter and the ease of Blogger (mostly because I'm familiar with it rather than it be a better system). Parajunkee's helped out a bunch of people and so has Lori of Pure Imagination, if you need some assistance (yet another reason why I've avoided it--too much code and tech language that makes my eyes cross!).

    I'm always trying to find that balance. Right now, it's a struggle to do everything and my social life has really suffered for it because, on top of reading and blogging, I'm revising one novel and starting on another AND finishing out the school year while transitioning to a new school, where I'm starting up a brand new yearbook and newspaper program. *sigh* Something had to give, I guess. Good thing I'm a loner by nature anyway!

    Good luck!

  5. I'm pretty chicken, too haha I love how simple Blogger is, but I feel like I've pushed it to its ultimate limitations now, which sucks. Balance is always sucky in blogging haha real life gets in the way ;)

  6. I'm trusting you on WP! I'm scared I'll lose every follower I've ever built and gained, you know?!

  7. Thanks Juju and hey...everyone has to pick the right platform for them :)

  8. I'm in the same boat with you regarding commenting more. I used to just blog by my lonesome, but then I realized to get people to comment, I also have to put myself out there. I"m currently on blogger though - what's SOE?

  9. Author interviews are tricky. Trying to find a good balance between repetitive and lofty can be quite difficult. Can't wait to see what you get up to!

  10. I'm hoping I get better at it! I've been trying for years!

  11. SEO is search engine optimization - it's telling the search engines (IE Google, Bing, Yahoo etc) that you are the most relevant :)

  12. I've been so interested by how many bloggers are talking/making the switch from blogger to Wordpress. I really like my home on blogger so I'm not too anxious to move but it's always something to keep in the back of my mind.

  13. I think it's more how much freedom we'll have to take our blogs to the next level. Plus, at the end of the day - Blogger and Google pretty much own our content, which I hate!

  14. This is good. You've got lots of goals! I LOVE author interviews and will interview the heck out of one if I get the chance (wait til June and my Contemporary Month - get ready cause they're comin). I suppose for me, my blog - even in its smallness - is my outlet to my stresses. I have a horribly stressful life, just ridiculous life issues, but I always know that I have THIS fun thing that I find therapeutic somehow to come back to. So whether I have a few minutes a day or a few hours a day to spend on it, I try to do the best I can and not get overstressed (like I've seen so many do) with blog stuff. Because I NEED this in my life as another one of my go-to's. I don't even know if that makes any sense at all. Basically, I just try and have fun at it and try and have a certain confidence at it because I can't get myself so worked up that I push it aside. I just find that I can get lost in a few comments or questions for an interview and forget about life stuff for awhile and that is priceless to me! Okay, I'm shedding my dorkdom now. Great question as always, Melissa! Hang in there! You're fabulous! 

  15. I'd love to switch from blogger to wordpress...but I just figured out how to do some really cool things on blogger, and I'm afraid my following isn't strong enough to follow me without GFC

  16. Thanks, doll! Blogging is my therapy, too. I put WAY too much stress on pretty much every aspect of my life, but I actually enjoy this one and need to remember that :)

  17. I think it will take some time, but it the long run, it is worth it! I've got a decent following and though I'm terrified I'll lose everyone, I really, really hope most people will stick with me through the transition :)

  18. I'm really  comfortable with blogger, so I haven't had the motivation to switch to Wordpress yet--but it's something that I have been thinking about. I like your blog and will continue to follow. I'm sure most will continue reading your blog! Commenting and doing more author interviews is something I also plan on doing more of. I've had the same problems as you on these points.

  19. What a great post! I've been going through a tough time, so haven't spent alot of time on my blog (which wasn't strictly about books anyway). Now, however, challenging life has brought to mind the fact that life is short and I'd better get off my behind. So, Writer Wednesday will serve as my day to book blog. I'm using your fabulous blog as my 'mentor'! :D Thanks for all your great posts. I've toyed with changing to Wordpress, but haven't even figured out Blogger yet, quite frankly.

  20. Authors on the Air - first a blogtalkradio program, then a FB page, is now working on a Wordpress site for blogging about authors and books.  Site is not up yet.  I (Ann) am a new book blogger - my co-host, Pam Stack has more experience.  So I am thrilled that I found this blog to learn more and share more and build connections.  I am impressed with the comments and  love the site.  I have much to learn! Thanks.  

  21. I like the idea of Writer Wednesday.  We are all so busy that it is good to set this kind of goal.

  22. I think it's a common issue when bloggers experience the dreaded burnout ;)

    And thank you! I'm so glad to know that you'll continue to follow!

  23. Aw thank you! I'm glad that you can find some value in my blog as a mentor. Any questions you might have, please don't hesitate to ask. I think Wordpress is a natural progression once we outgrow Blogger, so take your time!

  24. Thank you for your kind comments, Ann! Glad to make a great connection :)

  25. I'm interested to hear how the transition from Blogger to Wordpress goes!

    Also, I agree wholeheartedly to the idea of blogging with confidence. BE YOU.

  26. Hi! Awesome post, I totally understand the whole "being too scared to transfer to Wordpress" thing. I'm the same way! But like you, I will force myself to change sometime!

    By the way, I love your blog and am a new follower! Hope you can stop by my blog sometime. :)

    Jessica from Booked Up!

  27. I've been blogging for over five years now, and I'm still not sure where I want to end up!  And I dunno if I'll ever have the courage to leave blogger....

  28. Great list! I need to comment more too. Life just gets in the way and I'm always playing catch up...like right now!

  29. Great list! I definitely need to comment more and I would love to do more author interviews. I have not done many. :(


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