Four-Year Blogoversary Giveaway

Monday, December 30, 2013

I never thought I'd be able to say this, but today marks my fourth year of blogging about books here at i swim for oceans! It was rough going there for me for a while, and I actually went on an indefinite hiatus, but I missed this blog, and I missed all of you, so how could I really stay away? In the past four years, I've seen book blogs come and go, I've been to BEA twice, I've read countless incredible books (and quite a few duds, too) and I've really come to appreciate both what the authors do for us and what we can do for them, if we really put our minds to it.

I could get all sappy and ish about this, but let's be honest, it's really just a whole lotta love that I have for the whole dang lot of you! And, to show my appreciation for all of my lovely followers and friends, I'm offering up a little giveaway for all of you. 

There will be three lucky winners with three awesome prizes.
The first name picked will get to choose which two books they'd like most from the books below.
The second name picked will get to choose two books they'd like most from the books below.
The third name picked will win the last two books from the list below.
Some of these are ARCs. Some of them are not.
All of them, however, are pretty dang good books that I hope you'll read and love!

This giveaway is open internationally and will end promptly at midnight EST on January 30, 2014,
which means you have a month to enter!
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. YAY!! Congratulations on four awesome years!! *clinks glasses*

  2. Congratulations! 4 years already, that is awesome :D I'm happy that you returned after your indefinite hiatus and I look forward to another year of your reviews. I'd LOVE to win Not a drop to drink & This song will save your life.

  3. Congrats for making it this far! And thank you for this opportunity! (: I would LOVE to win Hate List by Jennifer Brown!! I've heard so many great things about her books and they're all on my TBR list (:

  4. Congrats!!!! *gives cookies*

    I'd sure to love Green cos *hangs head in shame* I stilll have not read it

  5. Congrats, sweets! And thanks for the giveaway, so many awesome things, lol.


  6. Happy Blogoversary!

  7. 4 years! Wohoo! :D I have only known you and your blog for about a year now and I can honestly say you are one of my favorite reviewers. I love your thoughtful reviews and your lovely comments, Melissa!
    Happy bloggoversary! :)

  8. Happy blogoversary. Four years is major and I hope you'll be around for many more hehe xD

    As for the book I'd like to win I'd choose The Fault in Our Stars ^_^

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year :)

    XX Ner

  9. Oh my gosh, four years! That is crazy amazing. Congrats, lady!

    I would love The Fault in Our Stars and This Song Will Save Your Life.

  10. Congrats on four years! I'll hit my 4 year mark in June. 4 years really feels like an accomplishment. Maybe because it seems so much harder to reach than 3 years. As much as I enjoy blogging, I've really struggled to find the motivation to keep going this past year. And I bet it'll get harder as time goes on.

  11. Happy blogoversary :D 4 years is AWESOME! I would love to win Hate List, I think. <3 thank you so much for the giveaway :) (Been following your blog for years, I think. <3)

  12. Hate list, or this song will save your life they both sound interesting!!

  13. Congrats on FOUR YEARS!!! I know you love all those books up there. I have them on a list to read because you write about them so much especially Not A Drop To Drink and The Hate List. Happy Blogoversary!!


  14. Happy Blogoversary! I'd love to win This Song Will Save Your Life and NIL. :D

  15. Congrats on four years! :D I'm half a year away, myself....
    I'd love to win This Song Will Save Your Life and The Fault in Our Stars (really, I can't have enough copies of this book!).

  16. 4 years is huge milestone, congrats!!!! :) My pick is This Song will Save Your Life and Hate List!

  17. Congratulations & thank you. I'd love to read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.

  18. Congratulations on the four year blogoversary Melissa! I love visiting your blog and reading all your fun posts! I hope there's many more wonderful blogging years to come! :)

  19. Congratulations on your four year blogoversary! I would like to win This Song will Save Your Life and Hate List

  20. Happy Blogoversary! 4 years is really a milestone! I would love to receive The Fault in our Stars. :)

  21. Happy blogoversary! Ireally enjoy your blog :)
    I'd love to read the Hate List and Not a Drop of Water. I've hear great things about both but haven't had rhe chance to read them.

  22. Happy Blogoversary!!
    I would love Not A Drop To Drink and This Song Will Save Your Life.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. I'll LOVE to win This Song Will Save Your Life. ;D
    Happy 4 year blogoversary! :D<3

  24. Happy Blogoversary!! It's so great that you've made it to 4 years!! I would pick This Song Will Save Your Life and The Hate List

  25. NIL! Aaaand I don't know, maybe Shallow Pond?
    Happy Blogoversary! <3333

  26. Happy Blogoversary!! I'd love Not A Drop To Drink and The Hate List.

  27. I'd be so grateful to have Shallow Pond and This Song will Save your Life!

  28. 4 years? OMG! How exciting! I would love it get my hands on TFIOS and Hate List :) Thanks for the opportunity, Melissa!

    Diana @ TLG

  29. Oh, wow, four years! That is so very incredible. I really, really hope that I make it there. I know blogging can feel like a job but I have met so many amazing people and found so many awesome blogs (such as yours), that I hope I will still have a passion for it in three years' time!
    As for the books, I would adore Nil and Not a Drop to Drink. I think these look like fantastic reads :D

  30. Congratulations on 4 years! I'd love to win Not A Drop To Drink and The Fault in Our Stars.

  31. It's amazing that you've made it all the way to 4 years! Congratulations, Melissa. I think you write such awesome reviews, and I'm also glad to be able to call you a friend.

  32. Happy Blogaversary!

    I'd love to win Not a Drop to Drink. I've read a few reviews about this book, and it sounds absolutely amazing!

    - Jackie G.

  33. Happy, happy, happy blogoversary and wishing you many, many more to come! :) I would probably choose Nil and This Song will Save your Life. Thanks for a giveaway! :)

  34. Happy blogoversary! 4 years is a long time, wow! I hope you have a good year! I might choose Nil and Not a Drop to Drink. :)

  35. Happy Blogoversary to you!
    I think I would choose Not a Drop to Drink.

  36. Not a Drop to Drink.
    Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the giveaway!

  37. I'd love to win Nil!!

    Congrats for your blogoversary!!

  38. Hate List sounds like a great book!


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