Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne Review

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Title: Harbinger
Author: Sara Wilson Etienne (Twitter)
Publisher: Putnam
Publish Date: February 2, 2012
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Pages: 320
Source: Author

When sixteen-year-old Faye arrives at Holbrook Academy, she doesn't expect to find herself exactly where she needs to be. After years of strange waking visions and nightmares, her only comfort the bones of dead animals, Faye is afraid she's going crazy. Fast.

But her first night at Holbrook, she feels strangely connected to the school and the island it sits on, like she's come home. She's even made her first real friends, but odd things keep happening to them. Every morning they wake on the floors of their dorm rooms with their hands stained red.

Faye knows she's the reason, but what does it all mean? The handsome Kel tries to help her unravel the mystery, but Faye is certain she can't trust him; in fact, he may be trying to kill her - and the rest of the world too.

Faye doesn't really know what her place is in the world. Holbrook Academy is meant to rehabilitate her, and when her father drops her off, she's even more unsure then before. She feels drawn to Holbrook and her surroundings, but there's an odd sort of charisma on the island, too. It's dark and terrifying. and though Faye feels at home for the first time in her life, weird things keep happening, and she knows it has to be because of her. To top it all off, Faye feels drawn to Kel, but there's something different about Kel, too. He's good, but there's a touch of darkness around him. Can she figure out the mysteries of her existence, Holbrook and Kel before it's too late?

Now, it's no secret that I love me some straight horror stories, but there's something to be said about stories that are silent and deadly. Harbinger is very much one of those. Twisting in an ever-churning maze of darkness and unease, the story winds and writhes, spinning the reader into its deadly web. Sara Wilson Etienne has crafted a one of a kind story that is equal parts psychological thriller and drama. There is a rich, vivid starkness to the pages that, though complex, envelops you into a world that smothers you with an incredible tale from which you both long to remain within and break free. Nothing and everything in Harbinger is real, and by the time you close the last page, you'll be questioning your reality, too.

Gosh, I've been dying to read Harbinger for so long! I love it when stories teeter on the edge of insanity, just seconds from spilling over, but walk that line with precarious ease. Harbinger perfectly portrays the lost teen in Faye that wants so desperately to be normal, and yet wants to be herself, as well. Her internal battle is mimicked quite fluidly in her surroundings within Holbrook Academy. The vividness of the details of Faye's visions was incredible. Harbinger paints a scene of an overwhelming, smothering tidal wave that very nearly envelops the reader, too. Every character, whether primary or secondary, is fleshed out with intricate detail to create a multifaceted mystery. Touches of romance enhance the plot with a rich sweetness, but it's never cloying or overpowering. Rather, the story of Faye and Kel merely serves to strengthen the overall plot of Harbinger. Most of all though, Harbinger is non-stop action from start to finish. Whereas many stories within the genre span months, this one takes place in one week. It's a lot to push into a single novel, but Harbinger bears the burden easily, presented a vivid and haunting story.

I was thoroughly impressed by Harbinger and the author's incredible story-telling, and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to read it. I give it a 4.5 out of 5, and I highly recommend it to all fans of YA, especially those who enjoy paranormal and dark stories.

I received this book free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

In My Mailbox 1/29

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren that features the books we have received during the week. It's so much fun because we get to see what our fellow bloggers stumbled upon this week and add even more to our piles of books! Without further ado, this week I received the following books:

Article 5 by Kristen Simmons (ARC) - Thank you, TOR Teen 

Kelly Hashway: Interview and Giveaway

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!
Welcome, Kelly Hashway, Author of Touch of Death and More! 
Find Kelly: Twitter. Blog. Website. Facebook.

1. Was being an author always your goal growing up, or did that become your goal along the way?

I've always loved creating stories. I definitely knew at a young age that I wanted to be a writer, but my dream of being published came later. Now, I can't imagine doing anything else.

2. What is the best part about being an author for you?

This is actually a tie between creating an entire book from one small idea and hearing from readers. Both are exciting and very fulfilling.

3. Do you have any funny or unique writing quirks?

I tune out the world when I write. My husband complains that when I'm drafting a new book, he doesn't exist. My characters and their story take over my mind until the book is finished.

4. How long did it take you to write Touch of Death?

I almost don't want to tell you. It took 14 days to draft the story. I like to fast draft, and like I said, I ignore the world until the book is finished.

5. Describe Touch of Death in 5 words or less, please! 

Even the dead aren't safe.

6. Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Be sure to look for Touch of Death January 2013, but in the meantime, you can check out my picture books, like May the Best Dog Win.


Because Touch of Death is not yet released, Kelly has graciously offered a copy of her favourite picture book, May the Best Dog Win

This giveaway is US ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 7, 2012. 

As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated! 

Still want to enter? Please leave your email address in a comment :)

Angela Townsend: Interview and Giveaway

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!
Welcome, Angie Townsend, Author of Amarok!

1. Was being an author always your goal growing up, or did that become your goal along the way?
I always wanted to be a writer. I love to tell stories and to creative magical worlds.

2. What is the best part about being an author for you? 

The freedom of being my own boss, creating and doing as I please. 

3. Do you have any funny or unique writing quirks? 

I like to visit busy cafes or crowded bookshops to write. I love doing that because I find that being surrounded by people even though I don't interact with them is very helpful because being a writer can be a very,lonely job. I like noise and distraction and often listen to music while writing, such as a favorite movie soundtrack or Celtic mood music. 

4. How long did it take you to write Amarok?

I wrote Amarok in less than a month. 

5. Describe Amarok in 5 words or less, please! 

Ice age lore, love, freedom. 

6.Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers? 

I am agented by the fantastic Jill Corcoran of the Herman Agency. Jill never let me give up. Not once. I owe her a lot for her encouragement. If you are a struggling author--never, ever give up.


Angie has graciously offered a copy of her favourite childhood book, Wuthering Heights

 This giveaway is US ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 6, 2012

 As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated! Still want to enter? 

Please leave your email address in a comment :) (Nice and simple!)

Ednah Walters: Guest Post and Giveaway

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!

Welcome, Ednah Walters, Author of the Guardian Legacy Series

The story behind the Guardian Legacy The Guardians’ background is a blend of various mythologies and Judeo-Christian beliefs. Before I started writing Awakened, I came across the kris dagger, an Indonesian weapon believed to be forged from an element from the heavens and one from the earth. The Indonesians/Malays believed that the kris has a spirit attached to it, which could be good or bad. So when owned by an evil person, it did evil things. It did good things when owned by a good person. The kris could protect the wielder from an attack or warn them if there was going to be harmed. 

The Kris Dagger became my Excalibur. I wanted a young man to wield it and even started plotting it from his POV, but I kept hearing a girl’s voice in my head—an outsider, someone who wasn’t part of the in-crowd. Intrigued, I decided to focus on the girl, who she was and her story. To do that, I went back to her background, her people. She had to be special, have the right to wield the dagger, so I focused on who might have forged the dagger and why. 

I chose the fallen angel who taught humans the art of war—Azazel. Fallen angels had children with humans-Nephilim, so it was easy to come up the Guardians’ lineage from there, making my heroine part angel and part human. Weaving in the powers of the fallen angels—from the ability to teleport, clairvoyance, see into the future, control all elements (air, fire, water and earth), manipulate what people see and felt, and change shape into other beings—made everything come together. 

Once I had the people in place, I researched the Nephilim in details, read books about them and scoured online resources. Comparing their abilities to those of deities from different mythologies-from the Titans to Hindu Devas, it’s easy to see why people, me included, believe most of these gods and goddesses were all Nephilim. Incorporating this into the Guardians background made sense, so was giving them names like Bran, the famous son of Sea-god Llyr from Celtic mythology. Making him have water powers just made sense. 

Then there’s the biblical connection: Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” According to the bible, a horde of angels was sent to destroy the Nephilim because they were corrupting and enslaving humans, setting themselves as gods and goddesses so humans could worship them. But after the angels annihilated the Nephilim, some were left behind. Combining the biblical aspect with mythologies made the Guardians real in my mind and so the series was born.

Ednah has graciously offered a Guardians Legacy T-Shirt and Mug, pictured to the left!

This giveaway is US ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 5, 2012.

As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated!

Still want to enter? Click HERE to fill out the form!

Let's Talk: Favourite Childhood Books

Let's Talk is what I like to call a semi-regular feature here at i swim for oceans. Does it happen every week? No. Will there be weeks when it happens more than once? Probably. Can you set your calendar by it? Heck no. Here on the little old blog, I like to host some of my very own discussion posts because, well, I like to converse with you all.

And so, Let's Talk will feature questions or prompts, which I will answer, too. Love it or hate it, weigh in or don't, it's my hope that Let's Talk will at least get you thinking...and maybe even get you discussing with the rest of us!

Question: What book from your childhood do you still cherish to this day?

Reading, in and of itself, defined my childhood, to be honest, and there were a lot of books that became instant favourites of mine. I remember reading for the sake of reading at that age. Anything and everything was fine with me, as long as it was the written word. I read those words like they were a breath of fresh air, and a lot of books played defining roles in my childhood. It's those books that I someday hope to pass on to my children someday, as well.

There are a few books, however, that stand out in my mind, and you've probably seen them mentioned on one or two of my Top Ten Tuesdays. One such book (ok, fine, I'm cheating) is actually a series. Most of you probably know about the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, but did you know her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, had a series, too? I own every copy, and as battered as they are, I love them dearly. They're not the world's best writing, but they were real, and I became invested in her story. I grew up with Rose.

You know those books you read and re-read until the covers fall off, then you tape the cover back on and the pages become brittle and rip? Many Waters is that book for me. No, it's by no means the most powerful story in the world. Nor is it flawless in execution, but it presented something new to me. I was captivated by the fact that this book seamlessly merged the science-fiction genre with a classic Biblical story, Noah's Ark, and somehow was never blashphemous. The love story, the rich Biblical theme and the power of the prose speaks to me to this day.

Last, but certainly not least, no list is complete for me without Harry Potter. This series is one that I literally grew up with. I can't say enough good things about it either. The adventure, the heart, the themes, the rich storytelling - all of it merges into an epic series that, for all intents and purposes, transcends the genre and captures the hearts of pretty much all readers. I, personally, can't wait to share Harry with my children. 

What about you?

 If you'd like feature your own Let's Talk post, feel free to link it up!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Emily White: Interview and Elemental ARC Giveaway

Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!
Welcome, Emily White, author of Elemental
Find Emily: Blog. Facebook. Twitter.

1. Can you describe your perfect place/time to write?

Hmm...definitely on my living room love seat between 10:00 in the morning and 1:00 (that's when my kids are napping :) ). 

2. When did you decide that becoming an author was your goal, and why? 

I've played around with writing since elementary school. I have lots of loose sheets of paper lying around with unfinished stories on them (all of them written on my parents' old type writer--you know, the one that came in a big honking suitcase). But I don't think I really took it seriously until my second year of college. That's when I realized that, not only could I write for fun, but I could make it my career too. 

3. Why YA? 

For a long time, I didn't write YA. In fact, up until a couple years ago, I didn't even know a YA genre existed. I guess I was a lot more like boys growing up. I went right from MG to adult. The funny thing is, I did make some exceptions in my reading. I used to love the Sweet Valley High series, but I never really thought about it as belonging to the YA genre. But a couple years ago, I was in the middle of writing a book geared towards adults, feeling stuck and not knowing why, and I read Twilight and I literally had an epiphany moment. I can't even describe how blown away I was. Ever since, I've completely devoted my writing to YA and, out of everything I've read lately, this genre has taken up about 95% of it. I love the emotion involved in YA. Adult books have high stakes and great stories, too, but YA is about the character, the emotion, the soul deep down at the heart of the book. It makes you feel first love again. It gives you promises, and sometimes it rips them away. There's a newness to everything in the Young Adult genre, those earth-shattering first experiences you can't always get in Adult or even MG sometimes. 

4. How long did Elemental take to write, and was there anything crazy or special about the process?

ELEMENTAL went through a few phases and it took a little over 2 years to write. It was the book I'd been working on when I had my YA epiphany. So ELEMENTAL actually used to be Adult. It had a different name and everything. The Adult version took over a year to finish. And I didn't like it. I knew something was wrong. After the epiphany, I completely rewrote it in 3 months, and I changed the title. But other than that, there was nothing too crazy. I wish I could say I'm one of those authors who needs to travel the world to find inspiration (though maybe my husband would fall for that...hmmm... :) ). And I don't have any interesting quirks I have to go through to coax my muse out. I'm pretty boring. I just sit down and write. I will say, though, that at least one of the locations in ELEMENTAL was inspired by a country I'd been in during my deployment overseas. 

5. Describe Elemental in five words or less, please! 

Contain the monster within. 

6. Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers? 

Just thanks for listening to my ramblings! And if you'd like to friend me on Facebook or stop by my blog, please do! I would be very honored. :)

Emily has graciously offered an ARC of Elemental, pictured to the left, as well as some sweet swag including a signed t-shirt, bookmarks AND a surprise prize! 

This giveaway is US & Canada ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 4, 2012

 As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated! 

 Still want to enter? Click HERE to fill out the form!

Bewitching by Alex Flinn Review

Title: Bewitching
Author: Alex Flinn (Blog. Facebook.)
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publish Date: February 14, 2012
Genre: YA, Paranormal
Pages: 336
Source: Publisher:

Kendra Hilferty, the witch who curses Kyle Kingsbury in Beastly, tells about her immortal existence-how she discovered she was a witch and the various ways she has used her powers to help people throughout the centuries. (Unfortunately her attempts have often backfired.)

As it turns out, Kendra has actually had a hand in "Hansel and Gretel," "The Princess and the Pea," and "The Little Mermaid"-but these are not the fairy tales you think you know! Kendra's reminiscences are wrapped around a real-time version of "Cinderella," except the "ugly" stepsister is the good guy.

Kendra Hilferty has always been a bit of an enigma. While there are well-known witches doing dastardly deeds and witches known to have been transformed due to their evil ways, there's never been another witch quite like Kendra. She's been around for century upon century, popping up at the most opportune, or inopportune (depending on which end of the story you lie), moments. Beneath layers of magic and mystery, there is a heart that beats with honesty and truth within Kendra, and for the first time, we're about to meet the witch behind that Beastly spell. 

I became a sucker for Alex Flinn's writing style by chance, randomly picking up Beastly while on a book-buying binge nearly two years ago. Now, here's an example of a fully versatile author that can write the most breathtaking, poetic prose for one book, then turn around and write an entirely different way, though still completely captivating. Bewitching is vibrant and alive with excitement, whirling with magic and mystery from start to finish. With a layered plot, an insider's look into the heart and soul of Kendra Hilferty and a birds-eye view of some of the most classic of fairy tales, Bewitching hits a home-run. 

If you've read Beastly, you'll remember the character Kendra who, while shrouded in mystery, drove the actual storyline. I wanted to know more about the witch then, and I'm so glad to say that Bewitching addresses pretty much everything I wanted to know. Kendra is a fantastic character! While morose and a bit solemn in her prior character, she comes alive within the pages of Bewitching, and I have to say that her story, or backstory as it were, is utterly enchanting. She's flawed, and it's an incredible discovery and transformation that we can follow throughout the entire story because, though Kendra isn't human, Bewitching very much features a singing undercurrent of the nature of humanity. The world of Bewitching, too, is leaps from the pages with each and every fairy tale we encounter. The plot is action-packed, the tension is brittle and real and the emotions run high, but Bewitching's beauty lies within the fact that you can lose yourself in a world that's exciting, safe and entrancing, much like the childhood stories we love so much. The only real issue I had with Bewitching was the fact that some of the subplots leaped a bit too fast, and the transition jarred a bit, though it smoothed back into a steady past after a few pages. 

Overall, I adored Bewitching, and the story of Kendra is one that I truly hopes will continue because it was such a pleasure to explore where she came from. I give it a 4.5 out of 5, and I highly recommend it to all fans of YA, especially those who enjoy paranormal, fairy tale retellings and stories from Alex Flinn

I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

Censorship in YA: Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn

Thursday, January 26, 2012

For a long while now, I've been a huge fan of Alex Flinn's writing style. The author has the unique ability to spin incredible fairy tales, while also creating gut-wrenching stories full of life, reality, compassion and depth. Censorship is a hot button issue in the book industry, as well is in the world today, as a whole, and I couldn't sit idly by when I heard the news that Alex Flinn's critically-acclaimed novel, Breathing Underwater, is facing censorship in Richland, Washington. Below is a description of the novel:

Nick is one of the chosen few at his high school: intelligent, popular, and wealthy. People think his life is pretty easy. Except for one thing. Nick has never told anyone about his father's violent temper.

When Nick meets Caitlin, he thinks she is the answer to all his problems. Caitlin is everything Nick has ever wanted—beautiful, talented, and in love with him. But then everything changes, and Nick must face the fact that he has gotten more from his father than green eyes and money.

The Richland, Washington school district is stating that that Breathing Underwater features "profanity," "dark themes" and "sexual content." As a conservative individual who has read the book, I can objectively state the profanity never goes beyond name-calling such as "b*tch or "slut," the dark undertones mimic the severity of the situation that the novel is actually bringing to light and the sexual content is merely alluded to. There is no action, there is no physical description and, frankly, the content to which the school board is referring is much like a tactful fade-out, if you will.

I believe there is value to books that tactfully broach upon the difficult-to-stomach issues of real life. There are going to be teens in this world that can relate to the trauma that Caitlin faces, both emotionally and physically. There are going to be boys that can relate to the internal battle that Nick fights every day to control the violence inside him. Simply censoring and glossing over such important and valuable content would be severely detrimental to the children whom the Richland, Washington school district are teaching. To ban a book simply based on the presumption that the content is too much for the sensitive minds of the children is narrow-minded and egotistical. Frankly, there are probably students who won't have the courage to stand up and step out of a situation without reading a novel like Breathing Underwater.

Breathing Underwater has won dozens of awards and honours, but perhaps the most valuable of all was not so much an award, but a clear and distinct recognition of its necessity for teens. In 2007, Rhode Island passed the Lindsay Ann Burke Act in honour of a young woman killed by her abusive boyfriend, making it mandatory for all schools in the state to address dating violence in their curriculum to raise awareness to the severity and detrimental nature of it. Nebraska and Ohio passed the act in 2009, as well. Breathing Underwater has been recommended reading for the course since.

Last year, the school district fought to ban the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, and lost due to public support and the upholding of the novel's merit. It is my hope that as a YA community, we can rally behind not only the integrity of Breathing Underwater, but also the author in this situation. To the Richland, Washington school district: life isn't all sunshine and roses. In some situations, there is a dark underbelly that needs to be exposed to properly educate and grow the minds of the individuals being taught.

There is still time to help Alex Flinn and support her novel, Breathing Underwater. We are a vast community, and we have the opportunity to make a significant impact. Please, if you can take just a moment to do so, tweet this, share it, blog it and get it out to others that the censorship of Breathing Underwater must be stopped.

 If you would like to email the school district to rally for the cause, please do so HERE.

Daniel Cohen: Guest Feature and ARC Giveaway

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!
Welcome, Daniel Cohen, author of The Ancillary's Mark and the forthcoming Veil Trilogy!
Find Daniel on: Goodreads. Twitter. Blog.

Daniel is super excited to announce that his brand new shorts story, The Every-Mother Knows Best is now available for a PDF download!

Rich and inventive, Daniel has created a short story that harnesses hist-fic with a touch of the paranormal for an exciting, fast-paced read.  

Want to download it and try for yourself? Click HERE!

Daniel has graciously offered an ARC of Masters of the Veil, pictured to the left, as well as some sweet swag including, but not limited to some awesome MotV soda can jerseys! 

This giveaway is US & Canada ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 2, 2012.

As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated!

Still want to enter? Click HERE to fill out the form!

Lisa Rogers: Interview and Giveaway

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!
Welcome, Lisa Rogers, author of Angelina's Secret!

1. Where did the story of Angelina's Secret stem from?

Before writing Angelina's Secret, I wrote a nonfiction book containing true ghost stories. After signing this book with an agent and still not having any luck placing it with a publisher, I thought a fiction story about ghost might be more marketable. Thus, Angelina's Secret was born. Even though I have since been able to place my nonfiction work, On Haunted Ground, once I started writing fiction I fell in love with it and hope to write many more fiction books. 

2. What inspires you to write? 

I have always loved to read and to think that someone might be getting that same kind of joy from reading one of my books inspires me beyond words. 

3. You can only read three books for the rest of your life - which do you choose, and why? 

Only threefor the rest of my life?!?!?! What an awful thought! That must mean I'm going to die soon. *cries softly* Okay I'm hoping I still have some time before I go because my top three are books that haven't been published yet. I would NEED to finish the two series I have started. I would want to finish the Ganzfield series, which would include reading Operative and Soulmate. And I simply can't leave this earth without reading Deity the third book in the Covenant series. 

4. What do you like most about being an author? 

Writing fills the need to do something sane with all of the characters running around in my head, and I LOVE working in my pajamas. 

5. Describe Angelina's Secret in 10 words or less, please! 

Most cheerleaders don't have THIS kind of spirit!

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell your readers? 

If you get the opportunity to read Angelina's Secret, I honestly hope you enjoy it and if you have the time come visit with me at: Ghost TalkFacebookWebsite.  

Lisa has graciously offered an ARC of Angelina's Secret & signed swag OR her awesome Crescent Ghost Squeezie & signed swag! The winner gets to choose! 

This giveaway is US ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 2, 2012. 

As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated! 

Still want to enter? Click HERE to fill out the form!

Waiting on Wednesday: My Life Next Door

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine, and specifically spotlights upcoming novels we can't wait to read. As always, there are some amazing upcoming books, but this week I'm particularly excited for...

Title: My Life Next Door
Author: Huntley Fitzpatrick (Facebook)
Publisher: Dial BYR
Publish Date: June 14, 2012
Genre: YA, Contemps
Pages: 304

"One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time."

The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen year old Samantha wishes she was one of them… until the day Jase Garrett climbs her terrace and changes everything.

Jase can sense that his beautiful neighbor is missing something in her sterile home, and as the two fall fiercely in love, his family makes her one of their own.

But when the bottom drops out of Sam's world, which perfect family will save her–and will her perfect love survive?
I know, I know. It's contemporary, but I did make that huge confession the other day saying that I'm beginning to have a bit of a soft spot for them. So, sue me. Some of them are good - others...well, you get the picture. I've read a lot of have/have not stories, but I'm excited to read this one. My Life Next Door promises a sort of "opposites attract" vibe, all the while offering tension, love and tragedy. I'm sold. Here's hoping this is another contemporary book to add to my list of winners! What do you think, and what are you waiting on this week?

Jennifer L. Armentrout: Interview and ARC Giveaway

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!

Welcome, Jennifer Armentrout, author of the Covenant series and more!
Find Jennifer on: Website. Twitter. Blog.

1. What made you decide to become an author? 

I always had a passion for writing, so it was the next step for me. Taking something that was a passion and lifelong dream and turning it into a career. 

 2. If you could only write one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?

 Ah, probably paranormal. I like the critters. 

 3. What are your three all-time favorite books? 

At this moment, because my all-time favorite changes: Soul Screamers Series, Demon Trappers Series, and Brotherhood series. Yes, I picked series as one book. 

 4. Zombies vs. Vampires - which would win, and why? 

Oh, man. I don't know. Because if a zombie bites a vampire, is the vampire now a zombie-vampire? And vice versus. It would be like a super race. 

 5. Describe Pure in five words or less, please! 

Every decision has a consequence. 

 6. Is there anything else you would like to tell your readers? 

A zombie vampire hybrid sounds like a good story, huh?

Jennifer has graciously offered an ARC of Pure, pictured to the left, as well as some sweet swag!

This giveaway is US ONLY, and it will end promptly at midnight EST on February 1, 2012.

As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated!

Still want to enter? Click HERE to fill out the form!

Top Ten Young Adult Fictional Characters

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists over at The Broke and the Bookish. They'd love to share their lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week they will post a new top ten list that one of our bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All they ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
Top Ten Young Adult Fictional Characters:

1. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) - Regardless of what you think of the series, her so-called bushy hair (I'm sorry, but it's perfect in the movies, at least), or her epic nerdiness, this is one kickass heroine! She is smart, brave and she doesn't take flak from anyone. She is empowering, in a nutshell.

2. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) - Not too many girls would sacrifice themselves in the blink of an eye to save their baby sister. She's brave and valiant, proud and strong, and she was a wonderful character to follow through three incredible books.

3. Carly (Raw Blue) - I've never been a fan of contemps, but this one blew my mind, in part because of just how real the MC was. Though she was haunted by the trauma she faced and the pain she lived with, she was honest and true throughout.

4. Harry Potter (Harry Potter) - Seriously? What's a list without an overdose of Harry Potter. We all know that I'm a Potter fiend (my cat's middle name is Harry Potter - don't judge me), but he is incredible. We grew up with him, and like it or not - he's a part of our generation.

5. Mara (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer) - I'm a sucker for twisted. So, sue me. There's something so epicly wrong with Mara that it's just about right. This girl has everything going wrong, and yet she is utterly captivating!

6. Damon (The Vampire Diaries) - Colour me crazy, but I love me a bad boy. He's dark and brooding, and he can be so bloody selfish, but you can't get better than him. Underneath all that cynicism, he's a marshmallow. 

7. Percy (Percy Jackson & the Olympians) - This kid is just that - a kid, but he's so entertaining, and I swear that everything goes wrong for him, no matter what. He's always kicking ass and taking names though, and his adventures are far too cool.

8. Albus Dumbledore (Harry Potter) - I confess, I love him. I still held out hope to the very end that somehow, some way, he would come back. That said, I felt the same way for Sirius, so that's a testament to the connection I felt with the characters!

9. Grandfather Lamech (Many Waters) - He was wise, sweet and old, but he loved his children to the very end. Most of all, in a time of non-belief, he believed there was a path, and he held fast to that belief through everything. I loved him. 

10. Martin the Warrior (Redwall) - One little mouse fueled an entire epic fantasy series that dominated my childhood shelves. I think I own every book in the series, and I just loved hearing all the tales of everyone trying to live up to his name.

After the Snow by S.D. Crockett Review

Monday, January 23, 2012

Title: After the Snow
Author: S.D. Crockett
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publish Date: March 27, 2012
Genre: YA, Dystopian
Pages: 304
Source: Publisher

Fifteen-year-old Willo was out hunting when the trucks came and took his family away. Left alone in the snow, Willo becomes determined to find and rescue his family, and he knows just who to talk with to learn where they are. He plans to head across the mountains and make Farmer Geraint tell him where his family has gone.

But on the way across the mountain, he finds Mary, a refugee from the city, whose father is lost and who is starving to death. The smart thing to do would be to leave her alone -- he doesn't have enough supplies for two or the time to take care of a girl -- but Willo just can't do it. However, with the world trapped in an ice age, the odds of them surviving on their own are not good. And even if he does manage to keep Mary safe, what about finding his family?
Willo lives in a dark world. Barren, cold and bleak, Great Britain is closing in around him, and he is struggling to survive in a seemingly endless winter. Warmth is craved, and food is a necessity, but the government, the economy and all basic fundamentals of living are long since ruined. Willo has three main missions. First, he must seek and find his family in the hopes of reuniting them once again. Second, he must help Mary, a starving refugee, stay alive. And third, but certainly not least, Willo must somehow find it within himself to make it through the harsh reality of life while attempting to survive. 

After the Snow presents a new take on the classic survival story, catering to the young adult crowd. Set in a world that’s equal parts futuristic and backwards, giving the reader a glimpse into the breakdown of the economy and government. S.D. Crockett has created a harrowing world in which the landscape, the morale and, frankly, every bit of civilization is in shambles. The prose is sparse and bare, mimicking the tone of the novel and lending a powerful, unsettling and foreboding nature to the story.

I have to admit that I’m really on the fence about After the Snow. Here’s the thing – for all intents and purposes, it’s one heck of a great premise, and I do love the dark tone of the novel. However, there was a part of me that was so trapped in the utter sense of hopelessness that I felt while reading this novel, and I struggled to overcome it throughout the story. After the Snow also had a very unique writing style, which I’m sure will work for some, but I grappled with it throughout. Willo had such a blunt, unforgiving voice in the story. Because it was from his viewpoint, the story was then fractured in dialogue, and it felt almost illiterate and caveman-like, if that makes sense. It was very brute and uncouth, and I really struggled to relate to Willo as a character because of that fact. There were definite strengths to After the Snow though, namely the fact that it was very blunt and unforgiving in its approach to the world in which Willo, Mary and society, in general, lived. It was haunting, and it really made me crave an escape. That, in and of itself, is a great feat for an author. Unfortunately, because I couldn’t relate to the dialogue though, I struggled.

Overall, just because I didn’t really connect with After the Snow, I can’t say it was a bad book by any means. The author made this book one-of-a-kind, and there’s a great beauty in authors willing to step out and do so. Because of that, I give this book a 3 out of 5, and I recommend it to fans of YA, especially those who enjoy dystopian and survival stories.

I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

Kate Kaynak: Interview and Giveaway

Welcome to the kickoff of the very first Spencer Hill Press Giveaway Week! For those of you that don't know about Spencer Hill Press, here's a little background. Spencer Hill Press is an independent publishing house that specializes in science fiction, paranormal romance and urban fantasy for the Young Adult audience. 

With a host of talented authors and dozens of fantastic titles under its belt, Spencer Hill Press has become a veritable powerhouse. And, as luck would have it, yours truly is hosting the fantastic crowd with a whole bunch of goodies for all of you! Be sure to follow the week (through Sunday), and check out the great features and giveaways!

Welcome, Kate Kaynak - Author of the Ganzfield Series!
Find Kate on: Website. Twitter. Facebook.

1. What made you decide to become an author?

 I've been writing since I was in high school and college, but I only developed the ability to finish novels after my kids were born. I was a stay-at-home mother with three kids in diapers at the same time (seriously, we didn't so much have a family as have a litter), and I needed something that let me think at more than a Curious George level. I wrote my first novel in 2008, and my first *good* novel about a year and a half later.

2. What do you like most about being an author?

I love when the story is so vivid in my head that my characters give color commentary on the things happening in my everyday life. Maddie and Seth are especially snarky. E.L. Doctorow called writing "the socially acceptable form of schizophrenia," but it really is like having a bunch of friends hanging out in my head.
3. Series or stand-alone...which is your favourite to read, and why? I usually prefer a series, since I love spending more time in an amazing, interesting world. However, some stories really are just perfect as a single book, and to extend them detracts from the sense of closure. And I also hate when a series goes on too long, becoming repetitive and depressingly predictable.

4. How long did it take you to write Minder, and did you want it to be a series immediately? 

I wrote the first chapter (the scary one) in a day. I then printed it out and let those four pages sit on my table for weeks, wondering if I really wanted to write a story that started out with such terror--Maddie gets pulled into a van by some guys who want to do some terrible things to her. But the rest of the story was there, wanting to come out and show that people like Maddie can survive traumatic experiences and come out strong and whole, and that sometimes the bad experiences are what people need to show how strong they really are. 
Once I started the second chapter, I finished the rest of the book in just under two months. I'd originally envisioned the story arc as three books (which are now Minder, Adversary, and Legacy), but the characters kept wanting to do more stuff--so eagerly that the first draft of Accused (book 4) got written down in less than a month. The Ganzfield series is going to end after the sixth book, Soulmate, which is scheduled to come out in December. I may someday write a standalone from Seth's point-of-view, though, since his path diverges from Maddie's in Soulmate, and I'd love to tell his story.

5. Describe Minder in 5 sentences or less, please! 

Ganzfield is a training facility for teenagers who carry the gene for special abilities like telepathy. A simple medical treatment enhances their skills, so we have a bunch of kids who can set things on fire with a thought or heal with a touch. But every high school has its cliques, and Ganzfield has a group of students who can use mind control and who pretty much run the joint. Then Maddie shows up, and she's immune to them... and can kill with her mind if she gets too upset. Fortunately for her, Trevor's there to keep her from losing it--and to give her a reason to live.

6. Is there anything you would like to tell your readers?

 I love that you've been hanging out with my imaginary friends.

Kate has generously offered an advanced copy of the brand new edition of Minder (pictured here).

This giveaway is open internationally, and it will end promptly at 12 AM, EST on January 31, 2012.

 As always, you do not have to be a follower to enter, but it is always appreciated!

 Still want to enter? Click HERE to fill out the form!


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