1. Why do people believe you when you say there are nearly 4 billion stars, but feel the need to check if you say the paint is wet?
Because the paint is tangible -- and right there -- so, much easier to check that than the number of stars...and it's simply fun to do!
2. If an escalator is frozen, does that make it stairs?
Oh totally it does -- and what's even funnier is when they close it off as though it's out of service -- and then you have to take the stairs!
3. If you live in a three-story house, and you're standing on the second floor, isn't it safe to say you're both upstairs and downstairs at the same time?
Indeed. Very democratic of you to notice!
4. Why is there a light in the refrigerator, but there isn't one in the freezer?
I never noticed that before...hm. stumped me.
5. If you're 'caught between a rock and a hard place,' does that mean the rock isn't hard?
It must...or else it's redundant...and that just won't do!
Thank you to Melissa for having me for tea at her blog! I appreciate the opportunity to meet her fellow peers. I am sharing with you a blog entry I wrote two weeks ago after my first month of trying to become a blogger in this crazy space known as the Internet. This is a sample of what happens at my blog, (which is a bit of a mish-mash of what it is to be in my head). My entries are what I think about as a mother, wife, teacher, reader, writer, friend -- I try to be light-hearted and fun...But sometimes it's more serious...whoops! It is a tendency of mine, which is why I entitled my blog Not Too Serious I Hope. L, observer. Life is too short to think too hard about -- or to consider too deeply!! ha ha!! I hope you like!

Last night, as I was staying up way too late to get my bloggy blog to look just so, my brain was a-whirling. I have become increasingly amazed at the time suck-age aspect of Internet Blogging. It can take hours to understand how to fix or create one thing. HOURS! And for what? Why? I think of it as a creative outlet, but it's so much more.
The Internet itself is a New Place to explore. It is a beyond the looking glass inversion of all things us. In it we can hear our inner voice - as we write, as we read; as we are in here and not out there.
Not only is it a place to extend our voices -- it is also a place to read others' thoughts. It's private, personal. There's something very intimate about reading another person's writings. And blog topics, too, can often be quite confidential. And we Bloggers let each other in - in here -- beyond the looking glass where it is safe. It is in our Wonderland where we can share and relate and be.
And so we all have together tumbled as Alice did: only we've ended up in this expansive and limitless place, hoping to share our voice, maybe make a friend. And certainly to capture moments; be suspended in time -- just like Alice.
But I haven't just fallen into the blogging/Internet abyss, I have catapulted myself -- and I'm stuck on the other side. I have become a bit lost in here...I have gone way beyond Alice's mirror and her rabbit hole: I am now a part of a very different world than her Wonderland. This is the World Wide WEB. And it is my Wonderland.
The most difficult part about my new Wonderland: my hubby and baby cannot cross and join; they just wait impatiently for me on the other side. They are here in spirit, but with them I cannot accurately share the great lessons I'm learning and adventures I'm traveling; at least not first hand. And the experiences get lost and blurred in the retelling. And so, my Wonderland remains mine (ours) as we all journey together.
Like Alice's Wonderland, I am carried in many directions in here. And I get overwhelmed! This Internet is a very confusing, entangled place! Unlike Alice, I am definitely not playing a game of cards or chess. My Wonderland is NOT METHODICAL. I innocently try to move in one direction, attempting to create something new, and I end up caught in all the 'how to's'. And once I get out of that mess, and I feel composed once again, I turn around and become bombarded with streams of oncoming distractions: a 'comment' here, and a 'tweet me' there , and a 'follow me' now. AHHH! I become an ensnared mess!
The clock is ticking and I am hurriedly and busily trying to find that one end of the World Wide Web to unravel myself and continue in a straight, linear, concise and specific manner. I try desperately to find my footing and my focus. As the clock ticks, and I start to hear others from Beyond the Glass calling me, I need to get out of this webby mess and get myself back to my blog! Hopefully, having completed at least one. simple. task. Oh the journey!
As the voices get louder and I try desperately, frantically to get my one task accomplished, I pause for a moment, and look around the whirl-y mess: this is my Wonderland
I am suspended in here.
Even when I am running late out there and I have to climb back through the hole and enter the other side of the glass...I am always still partially in here. With You.
Thank you so much SB!!! Now...who's going to see this gem this weekend?!?!?!

That was fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I'm going to wait for video.
Me and Mr. Whimsy have a projector so we rarely go to the movies.
I can't wait for your review though ;)
Oh Melissa, thanks for the tea!
Maybe I'll con my sister to go see it with me :)
ReplyDeleteHi! You have an award (two actually) to pick up on my blog!
I'm seeing Alice tomorrow!! I can't wait to see what you've done with Pandora, btw!
ReplyDeleteGreat job SB!! I am so proud of you for being a guest blogger. Melissa, hope you have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteSB i s such wonderful person and i like her blog..and thanks melissa for the fun weekly event on your blog!
ReplyDeletep/s: i cant wait to see the movie!
I hope you enjoy the movie, cant wait for your review! And those questions are fun!!! :) Great post.
ReplyDeleteHa.. Now you have me looking up why there isn't a light in the freezer