Waiting on Wednesday: Pointe

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine, and specifically spotlights upcoming novels we can't wait to read. As always, there are some amazing upcoming books, but this week I'm particularly excited for...

Title: Pointe
Author: Brandy Colbert (Twitter)
Publisher: Penguin
Publish Date: April 10, 2014
Genre: YA, Contemporary
Pages: Unknown

Theo is better now.

She's eating again, dating guys who are almost appropriate, and well on her way to becoming an elite ballet dancer. But when her oldest friend, Donovan, returns home after spending four long years with his kidnapper, Theo starts reliving memories about his abduction—and his abductor.

Donovan isn't talking about what happened, and even though Theo knows she didn't do anything wrong, telling the truth would put everything she's been living for at risk. But keeping quiet might be worse.
I love ballet books. I also really, really love issue books. And darkness...and twisty, unnatural things. I digress. But seriously, the combination of all of the above in a novel? Sounds too good to be true, right? However, it appears that Pointe might just offer us all that and more, which I'm totally okay with. Plus, I love the dark vs. light on the cover. It's very striking (and it would look amazing on my shelves). What do you think, and what are you waiting on this week?


  1. I didn't do WoW this week, but if I did I was going to do this book too. Great pick !

    1. It sounds amazing, doesn't it? I was so so excited when I stumbled across it :)

  2. Ah, this looks awesome! Just added it to my TBR :D
    My Waiting On post :)
    Chiara @ Books For A Delicate Eternity

  3. Haven't heard of this one! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. EEEEP I'm so so excited to read this one too because I'M A BALLERINA AS WELL. I love it when authors weave in dance into their books, it just makes it all the more enjoyable. Awesome pick, Melissa!

    1. Ballerina?! I was a failed ballerina, Jen! I'm built like a crossfitter/swimmer, unfortunately haha but I admire ballerinas, and I love ballet stories!

  5. This sounds really good :) I just recently found out about it!

    My WW!

    1. I did, too, Janina! I'm really excited for it, too, naturally ;)

  6. Hadn't heard of this one before, but is sounds really good. Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW @ So Bookalicious

    1. Of course! I hope we all love it as much as we THINK we will! ;)

  7. Ooh, this will have to go on my tbr too. Sounds pretty amazing and I love the dark and mystery in it. Thanks for bringing this on my radar. Excellent pick, Melissa. :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice! It's new to my radar, but I'm so, so, so excited for it! I think it sounds just brilliant :)

  8. I tend to avoid issue books like this one, but I have to admit I'm curious and the cover draws me in. I might pick this up after all. You always find such great WoW picks, Melissa, and this is no exception! :)

    1. I'm the opposite haha I gravitate towards the issue books. Whoops ;) And thank you, Keertana! I just look for books that capture me :)

  9. I don't read many ballet books (maybe none) so I am willing to give this one a shot when it releases.

    Thanks for sharing, hon! <33

    1. You're very welcome, m'dear! I hope that we both love it!

  10. I've had my eye on this book forever Melissa, it looks absolutely gorgeous and I love how it focuses on so many different issues too! It's such a shame that we have to wait such a long time before we get our hands on it! Wonderful pick Melissa! :)

    1. It's a new one to me, but I'm so, so excited for it! It sounds crazy dark, which is totally what we both love haha ;)

  11. Ooh, this one sounds *really* dark -- not only an eating disorder but abduction and ballet all wrapped up into one book!

  12. I hadn't heard of this one yet, but you bet I'll be adding this to my tbr, as well! I also love ballet books and this one sounds unlike any one I've read. Actually, it reminds me of Black Swan with the combination of ballet and darkness, though this book may not be as trippy as that. I think it still has some serious potential to be good!

    1. Me, too! I immediately thought of the Black Swan, but it might now be THAT insane. Either way, I'm intrigued :D

  13. Cool. I just saw this on Goodreads. Sounds interesting. Nice pick :)



  14. Wow, this does sound amazing Melissa! I like how it's not all about ballet, but there's obviously something darker at work as well which I find intriguing. I love a good ballet book, but ballet plus kidnapping plus secrets? Even better:)

  15. I love ballet books, too. Have you read The Crane's Dance? It's a psychological ballet book. Pointe sounds awesome and I'll definitely keep my eyes open for it. Great pick!
    Natflix&Books' WoW

  16. I'm not such a fan of ballet books, but this one sounds like it has something to deliver I'll enjoy too!

    Wow at Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  17. Great choice. I can't wait to read this. I hope we both enjoy it.
    My WoW

  18. I haven't read any ballet books yet, but this one sound really good and mysterious. Great pick! My WoW.

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  19. This does sound awesome. I haven't read a good ballet book in a long time and this one sounds exciting as well as a bit dark. Great pick!

  20. I love books with ballet dancers and dark thrillers too. Though I'm a little nervous about the heavy issues, and for some reason from the description I kept thinking this was a sequel. I hadn't heard of this so thanks for sharing!

    Lauren @ Love is not a triangle

  21. Gah!! I have been WANTING this one!!

  22. This sounds like an odd mix but VERY intriguing! It seems like there's a new trend of "dark" reads lately. My stomach clenches every time I think about picking up a "dark" read because I know how damage they can do. Great choice Melissa. :)

  23. I adore dance books too so I'm hoping this will be a really strong entry into that category.


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