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Here Lies Bridget is the story of teenage Bridget who rules her small town high school by fear. She's manipulative, catty, superior, and is used to getting what she wants, when she wants it, and from whom she wants it. She never thought anyone would dare to argue back. When a series of her lies and manipulations spirals out of control and she begins to lose her grip as queen bee, Bridget makes a rash decision landing her in a limbo with a jury of her peers. Can she redeem herself in time, or will she pay the ultimate price for her actions?
I've been really excited to read Here Lies Bridget for a while now, and I was so excited to see it was on NetGalley. The story of teenage bullying is, by no means, a new story, but Here Lies Bridget takes a different approach and tackles the question of whether or not there is redemption for these bullies. Written by Paige Harbison, this story takes a new approach with an engaging voice and completely unique insight into a bullying teenager's mind.
I've got to be honest. I'm on the fence about Here Lies Bridget. In theory, it's a great story. That said, I absolutely hated Bridget. I rarely, if ever, actually hate the MC. This story presented a unique challenge for me though. Written in first person, I had to somehow get inside the head of a character I loathed. Then, as I watched her make these calculating decisions, never giving acrap thought to what her actions might cost her, suddenly when the situation turns on her, she recants. Her sudden change in demeanor...I just couldn't reconcile myself with it in such a short period of time, and I only saw it as self-preservation. I also have to admit that the character of Anna threw a wrench in the plot for me because, while I thought it was unique, I'm still confused about her interaction with the other characters.
Here Lies Bridget is a quick read, and it's really not bad, but I can't give a rave review about it. I think the ultimate problem was a pacing error. If we're meant to hate a character and see a transformation, I need time to see that transformation come about, and I just didn't. I give Here Lies Bridget a 3 out of 5, and I'd recommend it to fans of YA and contemporary fiction. This book releases on Februrary 1, 2011.
I've been really excited to read Here Lies Bridget for a while now, and I was so excited to see it was on NetGalley. The story of teenage bullying is, by no means, a new story, but Here Lies Bridget takes a different approach and tackles the question of whether or not there is redemption for these bullies. Written by Paige Harbison, this story takes a new approach with an engaging voice and completely unique insight into a bullying teenager's mind.
I've got to be honest. I'm on the fence about Here Lies Bridget. In theory, it's a great story. That said, I absolutely hated Bridget. I rarely, if ever, actually hate the MC. This story presented a unique challenge for me though. Written in first person, I had to somehow get inside the head of a character I loathed. Then, as I watched her make these calculating decisions, never giving a
Here Lies Bridget is a quick read, and it's really not bad, but I can't give a rave review about it. I think the ultimate problem was a pacing error. If we're meant to hate a character and see a transformation, I need time to see that transformation come about, and I just didn't. I give Here Lies Bridget a 3 out of 5, and I'd recommend it to fans of YA and contemporary fiction. This book releases on Februrary 1, 2011.
I received this book free of charge from Harlequin Teen and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.
Thanks for the great review! I don't know if I will pick this book up after reading your thoughts on it. I don't think that I would be able to get through a book where I couldn't stand the main character... So thanks for the warning!
It's a bummer to hear the main character doesn't have that growth. It does sound interesting being inside the mind of a bully. I'll be looking forward to reading this, but it's going to be hard since Bridget sounds like the worst spoiled brat.
ReplyDeleteThat's such a bummer that the MC was so unlikable, that definitely makes reading it difficult. Thanks for the honest review, Melissa! :)
ReplyDeleteToo bad on Bridget! But if you can't connect with the main character, it makes the whole story hard to read, even more so when the character is just unlikeable. I feel like I would have the same troubles you did with this one:)
ReplyDeleteI've been wondering about this one, but I haven't read many reviews. I've read a few books recently with a 'mean-girls' type character. Think I might put this one on the backburner.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review! :)
I have to say I didn't request this one specifically because the main character sounded horrible. I read for character, and I like to relate to characters... that doesn't mean they have to be perfect, but I like main characters who are kind and if they have issues they show change or growth. I'm glad I decided to pass on this one.
ReplyDeleteI've got this one too from netgalley. Now I wonder if I will like it. The girl sounds awful, wel not that nice. ;) Great review!
ReplyDeleteI snagged a copy of this from NetGalley as well, but haven't read it yet. I'll probably have the same 'meh' reaction you did if I don't get to see her making progress. I also like to see the transformation taking place - it makes it more believable. Thanks for the review. :)
ReplyDeleteI love that cover! This sounds like a good book that I'd enjoy :) Great review
ReplyDeleteWow...Bridget does NOT sound like a great person there and boo on the lack of transformation realized. Still...may have to check it out for myself one day, but thanks for the words of caution. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteawww too bad. Don't you hate main characters that you hate! ugh. Wont be adding this to my list. Great honest review though :)
ReplyDeleteI have a huge struggle with books too when I can't connect to the main character. Just impossible for me to get past...but I am working on it (see: The Duff!).
ReplyDeleteOOoooo that is tough. Great review though. I love how you broke it down.
ReplyDeleteGreat review Melissa. I have to confess that I'll probably give this one a skip - it does sound like the main character is one hateful character and I have to confess that I usually struggle with a book if I can't stand the main character. Thanks for your honest thoughts on the book - maybe one day I'll pick it up, but not right now.
ReplyDeleteNice honest review, cos yes I would hate her too, she just sounds so arghh
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean - I need to be able to relate to or empathize with the character at least at some point throughout the book. I don't mind if they necessarily start out "bad" but I want to be able to see them grow and have it be believable (for instance, Sam's character development in Before I Fall). Sorry that this one was a bit of a disappointment for you :(
ReplyDeleteSometimes not connecting is a good thing and in this case it seems to not be so. But that is ok. What is ones cup a tea is not another person's.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get involved in a new project that is starting in the blog-o-sphere, Save a Tree, Read An E-Book. I have a post up about it :) There is a button available and you can link up reviews of e-books.
Mad Scientist
I haven't read any absolutely great reviews of this book, but I might have to take a look anyway just because of the type of character that Bridget is. I haven't read a book about Queen Bee kind of girl in a good long while, let alone one who seems to be downright evil.
ReplyDeleteI'm really interested in this book, because I've just started hearing things about it. But I can definitely see how it's hard to like when you don't like the MC. That's why I didn't love Gone With The Wind as much as many people.
ReplyDeleteI have this one for review from netgalley as well! I'm curious to see what I think of it now, because I also tend to have a hard time liking characters with little to no growth. I appreciate your candor! :)
ReplyDeletehmmm... The cover and title for this one sparked interest in me and I'm so glad you have reviewed it. I think pacing is difficult to convey with characters that have a change of heart. If it happens too quickly it isn't believable, but if it takes too long, it is a little too late. In lies a delicate balance that is difficult to perfect, but also creates a great challenge.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that while I was tuned off from the story once you mentioned the pacing error, I'm still really curious to be in the mind of a 'bully' because it would be different.
Based on the summary of how despicable the MC is I would think it would be hard to justify her actions, and not sure why an author would try. I definitely would have a hard time accepting her change of heart as anything but self preservation too. Thanks for the review.
ReplyDeleteGreat review, and interesting thoughts about it. I was thinking about how the author could turn it around for the MC, because obviously what she did isn't easily forgivable. And even if the MC came to terms with her bad decisions, what then? I don't think I'd be satisfied with just "knowing" what she did is wrong.
ReplyDeleteStill, I'm curious about this book. Again, great review. =)
I totally disagree on this one! I just read it. While I do agree that the MC is a total biatch, that's the entire point of the book. She is so awful that fate has to step in and try to help. If she wasn't truly awful in the beginning then it would be overkill to try to set her on a journey like this one. I just finished this book and thought the pacing was realistic, not just simple and formulaic. The writing was really good and very funny and I hope some of you still pick it up! :)
ReplyDeleteThis book really does sound unique, but I haven't heard too much about it. I'll be checking it out once I get my NOOK to see if I like it.
ReplyDeletePacing is so important in books, as is character development, so I'm hoping I see the MC's transformation a little differently than you and I don't loathe her. Thanks for the honest review Melissa.
I really like the cover!
ReplyDeleteI think I'll pass on this one. Thanks for the honest review!