Friday Fix #50 - Meet Khadija!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Friday Fix is a takeover of my Friday blog post by other bloggers who have volunteered their time and energy to "star" in their very own guest post on Friday. Only one mandatory rule (you can't get out of it!) - you must answer five of the most random questions I throw your way. The rest is up to you. Remember, if you'd like to be featured on the Friday Fix, send me an email, and let me know! So, without further ado, here are the Khadija from Black Fingernailed Reviews!

The Most Random Questions in the World...

1. How far East do you have to go before you're heading West?

You'd have to keep going East until you figure out the only way to go West is to make a u-turn and go back the way you came. Sadly I have a horrible sense of direction so I'd probably never figure it out...

2. If, in baseball, a batter hits the ball and it splits, half of which is caught, and half of which flies out of the park, what is the final ruling?

My brain tells me that will never happen, but what does my brain know? (Nothing about baseball that's for sure...) There's always room for improvement to old and long-standing rules, so to make it fair both the batter and...whatever you call the person who catches the ball, should get half a point.

3. Can animals commit suicide?

It's sad to think about but animals can get upset, even depressed. My tailless cat (who is named Stubby) got depressed after our two guinea pigs (Jack Sparrow and Brownie) died; because she no longer had tinny living creatures to continuously torment. She stopped eating for a while, and I'm quite sure she could have died from that, well ya know if all the running head first into doors didn't get to her first. Luckily we moved into a house with a humungo backyard and Stubzy was let lose among the furry and feathery creatures that inhabited it to torment and chase to her heart’s content. Wait...that didn't really answer the question. What I meant to say is yes, yes I think they can.

4. Why aren't curtains double-sided so they look good both in and outside your house?

*sigh* Because most people never want to spend more money than they have to, or they just don't think curtains are worth the effort. I guess it's more important what's on the inside than what's on the outside...or maybe they just care more about what people on the inside of their house think about its appearance than the people on the outside.

5. Were there woodpeckers on Noah's Ark, and if so...where the heck did he keep them? 

Oh that's easy; he put corks on the ends of their peckers. The real question is what the heck did he do with the termites.


Khadija, you had me at peckers. Oh, wait...that sounded wrong. Anyhoo *whistles innocently* love your answers! It's TOO much fun to see what everyone comes up with, and I totally agree with your thoughts on the curtains! To all of you, be sure to check out Khadija's amazing blog, Black Fingernailed Reviews. She's got an awesome blog full of fun and far the best combo!

Also, remember, it is day four of The Long Weekend Blog Tour! Be sure to drop by Tara's blog, Fiction Folio for her awesome review and interview (plus an international giveaway)...hey, you can't beat that, right?!


  1. Funny as always! Where DID he put the termites...? Haha.

  2. Hilarious, like always.
    I've a terrible sense of direction too! :D Stubby sounds adorable!

  3. LOL! Love that last question and answer :)

  4. Aww, I'm glad Stubzy found another outlet! :P It's really sad when animals get depressed.
    Great questions and answers, as per uhz. :)

  5. Thanks for having me over! I had a blast answering all your wacky questions :)

  6. Dijia! I loved that last answer. Super funny :)

  7. That's so funny! Love Can animals commit suicide?
    lol. ;)

  8. I just LOVE the questions you come up with :D

  9. Loved this interview...these always bring a smile to my face :)
    Definitely agree about the animal question. A neighbor had a dog who would not eat or walk around after the neighbor's mother (who lived with them) died. The dog only rebounded after the neighbor got a cat that is specially bred to be friends with these types of dogs (no joke).

  10. Best answer ever? Oh that's easy; he put corks on the ends of their peckers. The real question is what the heck did he do with the termites.

    And your cat? Sounds flipping amazing! (well except for that one time it was depressed)... ;)

  11. The last Q&A has me laughing! Fun interview. I love it when the questions are so different than the norm.

  12. SO funny! I love those random questions. And yes indeed, where did those termites go?

  13. Hilarious as always! Khadija - I have a terrible sense of direction too, I can get lost pretty much anywhere. I'm challenged like that:) And the Noah's Ark question/answer? Best ever:)

  14. Oooh so good to see Dija answer your awesome questions. loved her answer for the last one!

  15. PMSL That was so good! I loved those questions and answers. The Woodpecker one was fab ha ha ha

  16. Awesome questions and answers! I loved Khadija's answer about the termites-- hilarious. :) Her blog is awesome, too.

  17. Lol, great answer on that last one :D

  18. Aww, poor woodpeckers!

    Lol - Awesome interview! :D

  19. I like her answer to the questions! How sad about her cat, but I'm glad she got better. When my dog died, my cat was really upset. They were best buddies. She died shortly after that. I don't know if it's more of suicide or dying from a broken heart. That happens to people, too.

    Okay...I can't stop chuckling about your pecker comment. That sounds bad, too. LOL Have a great weekend!

  20. animals committing sad! Love the last question!

  21. The animal part was sad. Sorry doll! I think their will usually wins and if they do succeed, it's usually partially accidental. Awesome questions!

  22. OMG she had me at peckers too hahahaha.....I'm crying laughing. Great questions and answers!!

  23. I actually laughed out loud at the last question! totally funny! :)


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