25th Birthday Bash Giveaway!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

In honour of the fact that just over 25 years ago I was as cute as Queen Frostine from Candy Land (because yes, that's what I was in the picture to your left), I am celebrating by giving you all the chance to win a few of my excessive numbers of books! All of these books are ARCs, so they'll differ a wee bit from the printed final editions, but I've got hard covers of them all, so I want to share the wealth!

You can see my reviews for all of these in my Review Archive, and enter to make up your own mind about them because, remember, anything I've written about these books is purely my personal opinion. See below for full rules and details...and good luck!
Alright, for my super-awesome Birthday Bash Giveaway, you can win the following books, and there will be three winners. Random.org will pick three people. The first picked gets their choice of three books. The second picked will get two books of their choice, and the third picked will get..well, whatever is left...but I think it's still a pretty sweet deal!

The books up for grabs are:

Amaryllis in Blueberry by Christina Meldrum
Trapped by Michael Northrop
Red Moon Rising by Peter Moore
Another Pan by Daniel & Dina Nayeri
Angel in My Pocket by Ilene Cooper
Recovery Road by Blake Nelson

RULES: This giveaway is open internationally. The giveaway will end promptly at midnight (EST) on March 31st. You do NOT have to be a follower to enter the giveaway, but it's always appreciated! 

Click HERE to fill out the form to enter!


  1. I'm a little late, but happy birthday, Melissa!

  2. Melissa! Happy Birthday, Sunshine! Great giveaway :)

  3. This is awesome thank you! Amaryllis in Blueberry? Yes please.

  4. Happy Birthday Melissa! I hope you're having an amazing day :o)

  5. Awww, how CUTE is that picture! Happy 25th, Queen Frostine, and thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. thank you so much for the giveaway! trapped sounds amazing--id love to win it, or any of the other books, for that matter. :)

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Happy Happy 25th Melissa! I should have done a birthday giveaway, I didn't even think about it. Shoot. Maybe next year for the big 3-0! Hope you have a wonderful day:)

  9. Happy 25th birthday Melissa ;) !! Hoping you'll have a great day !! Thanks for the giveaway !! I've heard so many great things about Amaryllis in Blueberry !! Another Pan seems awesome too !!
    A huge thank you for opening the giveaway internationally !! It's really nice !!
    Have an awesome day Melissa ;)

  10. Feliz Cumpleaños, Honey Bee!!! Thanks for the giveaway. You rock!

  11. Everything the best Melissa, your dress is lovely!

  12. Happy 25th Birthday, Melissa! I love the picture :)
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  13. Aww, that photo is priceless! What personality! Lol. Anyway, happy birthday!! Hope you had an amazing day! :)

  14. That photo is absolutely adorable! Happy Birthday and thank you for the giveaway.

  15. Happy Birthday! And thanks for the awesome givaway!! :D

    New follower. :)
    Jess @ Gone with the Words

  16. Love that picture! Hehehe, aww thank you for making it int hun ;)

  17. Happy birthday, and thanks for the giveaway! It's been way too long since I played Candyland...I should probably dig it out one of these days :)

  18. Happy 25th Birthday Melissa! Hope you enjoy your day and get loads and loads of presents for you birthday! :D Also! Thanks for this awesome giveaway even though its not our birthdays you're still gifting us with a chance to win something. <3's!!

  19. You look like- Enough with the pictures already! Happy birthday!! thanks for the giveaway!


  20. Happy Birthday Melissa! What a great way to celebrate!

  21. Happy Birthday Melissa! Thank you for the giveaway :) You were an adorable child, haha :D

  22. Happy 25th Birthday Melissa- I hope you had a wonderful day! That photo is so cute. Thank you very much for the awesome giveaway and for making it international :D

  23. Happy birthday to yoooou, happy birthday toooo you, haaaappy biiiirthday to yooou Melissa, Happy birthday to you =D

  24. Happy Birthday :D
    I hope you have a great day

  25. OMG You were always super cute!
    Happy birthday!
    (not an entry)

  26. Great competition and I love that photo LOL

  27. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MELISSA! :) :) You look so cute in that picture, hehe!

  28. Happy birthday hon! I hope it's absolutely fabulous! :D

  29. Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is lovely. And thanks for the great giveaway :]

  30. happy Birthday, Hope you had a great day. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. :D

  31. Love that pic! So cute. Thanks for the giveaway and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!

  32. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! YAY the March babies *high fives*

  33. Congrats on being a quarter of a century old. That makes being 25 seem really old, huh?

    I have wanted to get my hands on Another Pan for a while now. I couldn't snag a copy at the last conference I attended because I was 5 minutes too late getting to the publisher's booth! The first book in that series seemed good too. Probably a little darker than "Pan."

  34. Hi, Melissa! Happy, Happy Birthday! <3

  35. Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  36. Happy Birthday Darling!!! Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!! xoxo

  37. Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one! :)

  38. You little diva! What an adorable pic xo

  39. Happy Birthday to YOU!!! Woo! Party! Have a wonderful birthday! If you don't... you'll force me to sing. No one wants that! ;)

  40. Happy Birthdayyyy!! 25 is an awesome age to be.

  41. Happy Birthday, Melissa!! Oh my gosh, the pic of you as Queen Frostine is the cutest thing ever!!

  42. Happy Birthday, Melissa!! What a generous giveaway! :)

  43. Happy 25th, Melissa! Hope it's a good one :) Thanks so much for the international giveaway!

  44. Ha ha, I love your picture. Hope you have a very happy 25th birthday Melissa!

  45. Loving the pink turtleneck under the dress! And Happy Birthday of course! :)

  46. Happy Birthday! The face you are making in that picture is priceless :D

  47. Happy Birthday blog friend. U-oh your almost as old as me...:D

  48. Happy, happy birthday!!! :) And you were so adorable...and a bit attitude-y. Haha.

  49. Love the pic -- so cute!

    Thanks for the giveaway.. I tweeted it for you =)

  50. Happy Birthday, sorry I'm so late saying this!

  51. Happy B day! Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance ♥

  52. HAHA that picture is full of awesome! Happy birthday and thanks for hosting the giveaway :)

  53. I hope you had a great birthday :) Thank you so much for making the giveaway international!

  54. Happy happy happy, happy birthday to you...

  55. Totally late on entering and wishing you a happy birthday! You rock.

  56. Happy birthday and thanx for giveaway.)

  57. Melissa, I have no clue how I missed this, but happy belated birthday!

    I love the picture you included and thank you so much for the giveaway :D

  58. happy belated birthday too you! (And happy birthday to me! Mine is today :D)

  59. I'm not sure If I've commented on this post before so I'll comment again lol. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I want to be able to do something this epic on my 21st birthday in August =D hopefully I'll win the lottery by then haha

  60. thank you and HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! :D

  61. Happy Birthday!!! Thank for the giveaway.

  62. Happy bday Queen Frostine!! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  63. happy birthday! thanks for the giveaway!

  64. Happy birthday of course!

    Thank you for making this giveaway international. That way we foreigners have a chance at winning these wonderful ARC's (:

    I've also put your link in my sidebar over at Nyx Book Reviews.

    You were extremely photogenic as a kid!

  65. Happy birthday! And thanks for the contest, and for making it international!

  66. Well geez. I have no idea how I missed a post so filled with awesomeness.
    Happy Birthday!! (even though I am terribly late)
    I hope it was fantastical!

    And thanks for the great contest :)

  67. Awesome giveaway! It's such a great idea! I'm late but: Happy Birthday! :)

  68. Happy (Super) Belated Birthday Melissa. I wish I'd known about your blog earlier, it's a delight. And then I wouldn't be super late wishing you a Happy Birthday! :D Well, there's always next year, I suppose! :)

    I've been DYING to read "Amaryllis in Blueberry" by Christina Meldrum, "Trapped" by Michael Northrop and "Recovery Road" by Blake Nelson for quite a while now, so winning any of those would be a dream come true. But, in fact, winning at all would be wonderful.

    Thank you so much for hosting this amazing giveaway!

    Email: Enamoredsoul@gmail.com or Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

  69. Happy Birthday Melissa! Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. I don't know if I entered already! cr*p! I'm very late, but: happy b-day!

  71. happy birthday! how great of you to do this!


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