Friday Fix #46 - Meet Kristin!

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Friday Fix is a takeover of my Friday blog post by other bloggers who have volunteered their time and energy to "star" in their very own guest post on Friday. Only one mandatory rule (you can't get out of it!) - you must answer five of the most random questions I throw your way. The rest is up to you. Remember, if you'd like to be featured on the Friday Fix, send me an email, and let me know! So, without further ado, here are the Kristin from My Bookish Ways!

The Most Random Questions in the World...

1. Why do we sing about the London Bridge falling down if it's still standing?

A couple of really uplifting and fun theories surround what the song is about. Some think it refers to the difficulty of bridging the River Thames, but other theories include possible Viking attack, age and damage of the bridge, and my personal fave, child sacrifice. This pleasant theory states that children were buried alive in the foundation because it was believed that the bridge would collapse unless a human sacrifice was made. More happy facts about the song can be found HERE.

2. If Mars had earthquakes, would we have to call them Marsquakes?

Well, yeah, cause an article on says so: Check it.

3. So many Americans choose Chinese letters as tattoos - do the Chinese choose English words for theirs?

I’m fairly sure they might consider that tacky…

4. Why does lemon juice contain artificial flavouring if lemon dish soap contains real lemons?

That’s one of those questions that we might never know the answer to. Believe me, I’ve lost sleep over it.

5. Can bald people get dandruff?

I’m so glad you asked! The answer is, in fact, yes! ‘Cause dandruff is all the nasty little dead skin cells that falls off of your dry, parched little scalp. No hair needed! So, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Or wear a hair net. I prefer to use a moisturizing shampoo, but that’s just me.


Kristin, thanks SO much for playing along and answering all my silly questions because, Lord knows, I have a ton of these! By the way, I love your answer to the dandruff question. I feel so knowledgeable now. As for the rest of you, be sure to check out Kristin's awesome blog, My Bookish Ways


  1. Huh, kind of makes you wonder - we'll wash our dishes with real lemon, but won't use it for flavoring what we actually ingest. Mmmmm, fake lemon - yummy!!

    Another wonderful start to my Friday - thanks Kristin and Melissa!

  2. Loved the question on Chinese tattoos!!
    Hope you have a great weekend,

  3. That Chinese questions also make me think if what their asking for really is the meaning. What if you got something tattooed that means, "I'm a idiot." LOL

  4. Hahaha can bald people get dandruff - love it!

  5. haha that was sooo funny esp the chinese one. lol

  6. That really made me think. ;) That would be funny, Savannah! And so bad! :) (UP)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. ewww to dandruff! Pealing skin is nasty!!

  8. You know what, I've also been thinking about all these chinese tattoos that I've seen especially when I watched shows on TV. I wonder WHY chinese and not others? Hurm...

  9. I really haven't ever given much thought to the idea that bald people might still get dandruff. How irritating would that be though? You have no hair to wash with the Head and Shoulders, but you still have the flakes! Hilarious as always:)

  10. LOL great questions! And great answers too :D

  11. Melissa,
    Thanks so much for having me on! I had a lot of fun answering those questions!

    Have a great weekend!
    My Bookish Ways

  12. Ha! Yes, musings I've lost sleep over too! Fun answers, Kristin. Though it is kind of scary that your favorite theory is the one about child sacrifice.

  13. No way? Bald people can get dandruff?!

    Great interview :)

  14. I love your questions! The history of the London Bridge song is scary. It would make a great book! Hopping by to say have a great weekend :)

  15. You never stop amazing me with the great questions you come up with, Melissa!I never really thought much about the London Bridge song before but the history of it has got me interested now. Enjoy your weekend :)

  16. Thank you for that last answer :) And loving answer 1

  17. I love the design of your blog, Kristin and your answers too! Melissa great questions! If you are bald buy a good wig, quick!

  18. Lol, #3 was hilarious! Awesome Q & A as usual :D

  19. Hahaha! I loved the question about the Chinese people tattooing English words on themselves.

    Have a great weekend, Melissa!

  20. I love reading this hilarious questions on Fridays! :)

  21. Great answers. However, I have a question... if he's bald... why a hairnet? ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  22. Don't cha just love how you can pretty much find the answer to anything on the internet? ;)
    Great answers!

  23. awesome intereview!! have a great weekend, melissa!

  24. Ha ha...Marsquakes. So cute. How long does it take you to think of these questions?

  25. I was curious about the answer to question 5 myself. Thanks for answering! ;D
    Love the interview!

  26. Lol, I didn't know bald people could get dandruff. You learn something new everyday ;)

  27. You always come up with the greatest questions Melissa!
    I must say my favorite was the one about the lemon flavoring! haha!
    That would be weird to say "marsquake" lol! :)

  28. As always bringing laughter to an otherwise gloomy day here! Thank you both! Love the answer about the lemon soap-really have you lost sleep over it Kristin? Don't, really, don't. Just keep up the great reviews. And Melissa keep finding these silly questions so I know where to come for a laugh!



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